Guided by the needs of our region and accountable to our community, the Community Foundation partners with generous individuals, families, foundations, and corporations that share a commitment to strengthening our community through philanthropy. For more than 50 years, the Foundation has been grateful to work with these donors to improve the lives of our neighbors.
Explore some of their stories here, or visit our blog for more stories of donor impact.
The Barnet Family
William and Mary Barnet Family Foundation
The Barnet Family’s Work Continues in Perpetuity
John Boyd
John A. Boyd Scholarship Fund
Honoring John Boyd’s Legacy

Dennis and Lynne Crimi
Jennifer Crimi Sunshine Fund
Spreading Sunshine

Phyllis E. Dake
Phyllis D. Dake Make Your Own Scholarship Fund
Make Your Own Scholarship Celebrates 20 Years!

Barbara Linell Glaser, Ed.D.
Community/Land Preservation and Planning Fund
Building and Sustaining Our Future
Barry and Sherry Gold
Barry Alan Gold Memorial Fund
Dedicated to Equality

Jim and Cheryl Gold
James P. and Cheryl M. Designated Fund
Partners with a Passion for Their Community

Wally and Jane Altes
Altes Family Fund
Michael Halloran
Tom Phelan Memorial Fund
Paul and Alane Hohenberg
Paul and Alane Hohenberg Fund
Steve Muller
Steve and Mary Muller Fund

Reid and Breanna Lundy
The Lundy Legacy Foundation
Next Generation Entrepreneurs Work to Improve their Community

Vera Michelson
Vera Michaelson, Love, Energy, and Growth Fund
An Advocate’s Legacy that Continues to Fight for Justice

Myra and Joseph Patanian
Myra and Joseph Patanian Endowed Scholarship
Honoring a Legacy

Judith Stein
Edna Mae Fitall Stein Memorial Fund
Investing in Her Community’s Future
Harry and Virginia Taylor
Virginia and Harry Taylor Endowed Fund
The Power of Endowment Supports the Days Ahead

Floyd Wickes
Floyd Wickes Endowment Fund
Providing A Safe Place