Mr. Smith, age 75, has accumulated approximately $2,000,000 in his IRA accounts. He has other sources of wealth and has plans to leave a sizable estate to his heirs and charity. Under this law, Mr. Smith can create a fund at the community foundation to address the causes he cares about most by transferring IRA funds tax free. Mr. Smith can transfer up to $100,000 in 2015. In addition, if Mr. Smith is married, his wife can also make similar gifts from her IRA accounts, impacting the community in ways personal, unique and enduring.
November 18, 2014

United States Ranks 9th in the World in Giving to Charity

nonprofit-fundraising-world-giving-index-2011From the Chronicle of Philanthropy:

The United States climbed into the top 10 on an annual ranking of the countries with the most charitable people but still lags behind smaller and poorer nations like Myanmar, Malta, and Thailand.

The World Giving Index 2014 report released today puts the United States ninth for giving to charity, up from 13th place on the 2013 index. According to the report, 68 percent of Americans surveyed last year said they had made a charitable donation in the previous month. That figure—the highest reported for the United States by the five-year-old index—is up considerably from the 2011 low of 57 percent.

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