June 03, 2015

Posts Categorized: legacy

From PricewaterhouseCoopers and UBS (via the Chronicle of Philanthropy) The 2015 Billionaires Report, “Billionaires: Master Architects of Great Wealth and Lasting Legacies”: The world is inRead more »

January 07, 2015

Posts Categorized: legacy

Melissa A. Berman at the Chronicle of Philanthropy writes: Philanthropists often say that giving away money is tougher than any other job they have had. WhatRead more »

August 22, 2014

Posts Categorized: legacy

From the Wall Street Journal: What do the bull market, booming mergers and acquisitions, and possible changes to the tax laws have in common? They allRead more »

February 10, 2014

Posts Categorized: legacy

From the New York Times: According to the most recent statistics, the number of family foundations like the Cordes Foundation has exploded since 2001. There areRead more »