Dear Friends:
As we continue to adjust to the many challenges being posed by the coronavirus outbreak, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible outpouring of support from our community.
There is comfort in seeing our community come together in such positive ways. Collaborative efforts from area funders offering their support, local government providing clear guidance to keep us safe, and the monumental efforts from those working in human services exemplify the very things needed for our community to overcome this challenge in a way that not only preserves our values, but also strengthens them.
As of today, the Community Foundation has adjusted our daily operations to ensure business continuity. We have identified processes to keep our work moving forward including careful monitoring of our investment portfolio, processing incoming donations and ensuring that any grants to nonprofits are expedited each week
- Staff Resources: Many of us are working remotely, so if you need to reach a member of the Community Foundation’s team, please email them. Current staff listing
- Resources for Fund Advisors: If you are a current fund advisor and wish to recommend a grant, please consider using Donor Central, or you may email Shelly Connolly at sconnolly@cfgcr.org. Fund advisors may use Donor Central to learn more about the Capital Region Community COVID-19 Response Fund, or to gain insight around the Foundation’s investment approach to our pooled assets in a period of market volatility.
- Make a Difference: You can discover Options for Giving on our website or you can donate now, including to our Capital Region Community COVID-19 Response Fund, on our secure donation portal.
- Stay Connected: To receive the latest updates throughout this crisis please follow us on Facebook.
While these are strange and unsettling times we know that we will emerge stronger, together.